The Pink Pen
—because red ink is too harsh
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Tiffiny's perspective brought a fresh look at my work and strengthened it. When I first interviewed editors, many discouraged the POV I wanted to use, but Tiffiny listened to my concerns about the idiosyncrasies about my Fairies In Space world and worked with me to strengthen my voice. Our collaboration helped me clarify my choices. Her suggestions were clear and provided a map that helps me continue to navigate the entire series.
—Alyson, Children's Sci-fi/Fantasy Author
Tiffiny performed a developmental edit of my Christian fiction manuscript. She is very easy to work with. Thanks to her sincere efforts to make our book the best it can be, I feel our manuscript is now of a professional level quality.
Gari, Bible Scholar
Tiffiny caught several errors I had missed when doing my own proofreading. She also gave a different perspective on how someone not familiar with my book's subject matter would react to the story. Tiffiny was responsive, pleasant, and perceptive in her comments. Thanks to working with her, I am optimistic that my manuscript is worth pursuing.
Sheila, Children's Book Author
Her attention to detail, level of professionalism, and gracious communication are just some of the reasons I enjoy working with Tiffiny. As a long time writer, blogger, and editor myself, there are few people I would trust to help me, and Tiffiny is at the top of that list. She is thorough and walks me through issues I'm not sure about. She makes sure my voice shines through while ensuring my writing is technically correct.
Tabitha, Writer—Signature Color Style
Beta Reading
As writers, we’re too close to our story to know if the words we put on the page are really having the impact we intend. Someone else needs to read the story before we query it to agents or self-publish it.
As a beta reader, I’m paying attention to my experience as a reader. This focuses mostly on feelings and reactions to the manuscript.
Got a great idea for a book, but you’re struggling to get it written? It happens to the best of us. There are so many reasons we get stuck and don’t get our books finished: imposter syndrome, writer’s block, a lack of clear direction. Most of the time, just having someone to talk things through with can unlock the block and help us get the ball rolling again (get the ink flowing). Get feedback and encouragement from someone who understands books and book publishing so you don’t kill your book baby before it’s born.)
Book Coaching
Do you need big-picture guidance before you start revisions? Or maybe you’ve revised, but want fresh eyes on your story before you query it. A developmental edit is a comprehensive service in which I look at all literary elements within your manuscript. Are there plot holes? What’s the character arc like? Is point of view consistent? How is the pacing? Is the theme fully realized? These are just some of the things we’ll sort through in a developmental edit. Together, we’ll get rid of signs of amateur writing and tighten your story. Use the button below to learn more about my developmental editing services.
Developmental Editing
First 25 Pages Critique
Got your manuscript mostly (or even completely) written? Want to know if it’s heading in the right direction? We can tell a lot about a story in just the first twenty-five pages. I can look at your pages and help you get them as tight and polished as possible before you query or to give you guidance in your revisions. Use the button below to learn more about this affordable critique of your first twenty-five pages.
So you’ve finished your novel. Congratulations! Let’s work together to get it in tip-top shape. This Manuscript Critique editing service is similar to a developmental edit in that we’re doing a deep dive into all the literary elements such as plot, pacing, character arc, voice, point of view, etc… However the edit isn’t as heavy-handed as the developmental edit. You’ll still receive a multi-page editorial letter with notes on what’s working well in the manuscript and what areas need strengthening. Use the button below to read more about the full manuscript critique service.
Full Manuscript Critique
Copyediting is what most people think of as proofreading. Proofreading is the very FINAL pass over a manuscript after it’s been formatted to catch any lingering or newly introduced errors. Copyediting is the step before proofreading in the revision process where word choice, grammar usage, and consistency in verb tense are scrutinized as well as the expected capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Click the button below to learn more about the copyediting services from The Pink Pen LLC.
Line editing can happen before or alongside copyediting and it’s what helps make the writing sing. There might be places in a manuscript where the writing isn’t incorrect, but it should still be “fixed.” Using the same adjective twice in one paragraph is one example.
Is your manuscript completely finished and formatted? Excellent! You’re ready for a Proofreader. Proofreading is the very final pass over a document to look for typos, spacing problems, and inconsistencies (such as in chapter titles, page numbers, etc). If your novel is as polished as you can get it, click the button below to have a proofreader lay another pair of eyes on your manuscript before you send it into the world.